What do you do when you have an abundance of toilet roll inserts?!

Just like many of you, I am trying to be conscious where I can. Reusing everything I can so that before anything hits the recycling bin, it has had consideration for use elsewhere.

So it is no different when it comes to matters of the loo!

I’d been wondering what to do with the toilet roll inserts and remembered coming across a great little craft project I’d seen online for a really simple and effective method of transforming the cardboard inserts into seedling pots. The great thing about these pots is that not only are they the ideal size for growing veggies from seed but you can pop them straight in the ground and they will degrade, also helping to give the saplings a fighting chance when they’re young and up against other plants in the patch.

First fold the insert in half
Then fold again
These folds create a square insert
Snip the corners of the square. You can be quite rough with how far up to snip because uniformity isn't important for these pots
After you have snipped the corners, fold them out. This will help create some shape to the bottom of your planters
Fold the flaps inwards on by one
Then dip the bottom of your planter into some water so that all of the flaps you cut are wet
You can leave them out in the sun to dry, ready for adding seedling mix to and your seeds, of course!

We hope you find this post inspiring! It’s always good to be reminded of these things. We all use loo roll after all!


The Happy Weigh Team 

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